Privacy exist only when you have information within closed boundaries or inside your network perimeter.Data does not become private as far it can be accessed on the World Wide Web (www) It all depends how you wish to secure information and to whom this information can be accessible and shared. The internet is a world class market place to get access to everyone’s details or information and it is the worlds market place to sell or buy. The potential of keeping things safe on the internet cannot be guaranteed unless you own the market place itself and decide who should have access to those information and how you manage to secure those information.

Technically speaking all data which exist on a LAN (Local Area Network) are the only one’s which is private and privacy makes sense, whichever network has expanded to WAN (Wide Area Network) is no more private rather a public network . The Internet is a place of information and not a place of data confidentiality. As long information exist on the internet, data is considered to be public with restricted public access. Data or information which is present on-premise surrounding is never pubic unless these information is kept outside the on-premise which is otherwise known as public network or Cloud. When i mean on-premise i mean a place within your vicinity or inside your company or inside your house.Data on cloud is outside the perimeter of data privacy and it is totally up-to the cloud host to keep information secure and it can be also called like a private cloud.The internet is a public cloud where information is not private.

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